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Recently I was invited along by the lovely people at Lynas Food Services to visit the Lynas Food Outlet. I was able to grab some fantastic bargains and see for myself what great offers I could get in order to keep my grocery costs down and feed my family on a clever budget – always something I’m keen to do.

I’m not the usual cook in our house, my talents lie in other areas…namely eating and maybe a bit of writing! I decided to see if I could try my hand at putting together a recipe with some of the bits and pieces that I brought home; and hopefully not burn the house down or mistake the pepper for the salt…a very likely possibility.

I tried to think of something that we hadn’t had to eat in a while – and I realised that we hadn’t had fajitas in ages…probably because they’re a tad too spicy for my little ones. So I realised I might be able to try my own ‘less-spicy’ version of fajitas that the whole family could enjoy. And I actually managed it – believe it or not. The kids hadn’t eaten them before and Amelia in particular really liked being able to assemble her own wrap – the novelty value really added to the enjoyment of the meal for the kids – it was definitely a hit as far as they were concerned.

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So here’s my (extremely straightforward) fajita recipe that even the most incompetent cook can’t get wrong! If I can do it, anyone can do it. And the majority of my ingredients were all bought at Lynas Food Outlet – so were really good value for money. I’ve put an asterisk next to the ingredients that Lynas Food Outlet are able to provide.

Family Fajitas (Serves 6)


Precooked chicken strips (about 5 chicken breasts worth)*

1 large red onion sliced very thinly

1 carrot, thinly sliced

1 cup chicken stock*

1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow pepper sliced

4 tablespoons tomato puree*

tortilla wraps (as many as you like)*

1 teaspoon minced garlic

1 tablespoon smoked paprika*

(Side dishes of peas* and sweet potato fries*)


In a large saucepan or wok, heat a tablespoon of olive oil. Add the sliced onion and cook for 3 minutes until brown. Add the crushed garlic and cook for a further 2 minutes. Next, add 2 tablespoons of tomato puree and cook for a further few minutes, stirring as necessary.

Remove the onion mixture from the pan and set aside. Next, add the peppers and carrot to the pan, along with 1 more tablespoon of tomato puree. Cook until softened a little then add the precooked chicken to the pan, along with the last tablespoon of tomato puree and the smoked paprika. Continue to stir and mix, so the ingredients get thoroughly heated through. After about 5 minutes, add the chicken stock as necessary, just enough to make the mixutre a little wetter, and to add flavour. Add the onion mixutre back in and contnue to cook, stirring occasionally, until the chicken is completely heated.

Serve along with the tortilla wraps, a selection of various extras, grated cheese, lettuce, grated carrot, soured cream and if the adults want a little more kick, you could use a separate jar of salsa.

I also served the kids up with some garden peas and sweet potato fries – just to make sure they had a choice in case they weren’t a fan of the fajitas – I needn’t have worried as they went down a storm!